Schumann Resonance Meditation

A mystic Soundtrack with Brainwave Entrainment Technology for tuning in resonance with the Earth’s electromagnetic field
This is a meditation session which guides you down to the Schumann Resonance frequency at 7.83 Hz. Research done with Zen meditators shows that 7.83 is a significant frequency, and other research indicates that stimulating the Schumann frequency can have positive effects on health.
The Schumann Resonance refers to a resonance that was named after the physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted the phenomenon mathematically in 1952.
The fundamental Schumann resonance is the overall average pulse rate (electromagnetic resonance) existing in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.
These subtle energetic pulses of the Earth, that are surround us permanently, are caused by the average of all the lightning activity occurring around the globe. (Read more about this on Wikipedia)
It is very interesting, that this frequency falls into the human brainwave spectrum. The frequency of 7.83 Hz is in the area between Alpha and Theta brainwaves. So by tuning in to that juncture between Alpha and Theta mind state we are able to get in resonance with the Earth's vibration.
Your benefits:
- Harmonizes your mind-body balance
- Supports happiness and wellbeing
- Makes you feel grounded, clear, and centered
- Reduces stressful thoughts and anxiety