Anxiety Relief

A relaxing ambient soundtrack with Brainwave Entrainment Technology to relief anxiety and stress
Every one of us is facing anxiety from time to time. For some people anxiety is a constant, painful companion that is hard to shake off.
First of all, if you suffer from anxiety regularly, you should consult a therapist to get professional help and to learn, what type of disorder you suffer from.
Simply put, the sense of fear is just a warning from our subconscious, that we reached a limit in some aspect of our life. We then have no experience, no strategy and no idea how to cope with the situation. The unknown makes us feel fear.
In any case, when experiencing anxiety, we should try to calm down and stop the negative thinking immediately. This music is designed to relax the brain. It uses alpha to alleviate anxiety, while using beta frequencies targeting each hemisphere separately to help correct a hemispheric imbalance that commonly occurs before an anxiety producing activity, such as a test, public speech or performance of some kind.
Your benefits:
- Quickly ease feelings of anxiety and stress
- Letting go of negativity easily
- Releasing emotional stress
- Increasing your peace of mind